måndag, december 11, 2006

Polonium 210

Now we all, more or less, know what Polonium 210 is.

Talking about nuclear power, nuclear disarmament and so forth, we can now see one of many proofs of the negative impact these dangerous substances can have on our lives.
This is no news but when media doesn't submit photos or cover stories about the negative impact of this the most dangerous material(s) man has ever invented, people tend to forget how incredibly poisonous and deadly these substances are.

Of course, the story about the above agent could be regarded as an exception from the rule but the fact that this could happen to Alexander Litvinenko and also have an impact on other people is something to take into consideration when discussing nuclear material and the use of them.

Nuclear substances could be used on a grand scale causing terrible damage to us all.
Throughout the years sensible people have warned politicians and others about these risks but as always something have to happen before anything is done.

Advance planning is not something our politicians and decision-makers are engaged in.
Let's hope that this can function as an 'alarm-clock' to the leaders and the public in all countries.

Unfortunately it will probably be forgotten after a couple of months or a year or so but some of us will not forget.

(Photo Alexander Litvinenko taken from: http://eyesonice.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/litvinenko.jpg)

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