onsdag, november 14, 2007

Astrid Lindgren 100 years today!

Today it's one hundred years since Astrid Lindgren  (click to see how this is being celebrated in Sweden) was born.

This is celebrated in different parts all over Sweden, not least in her hometown Vimmerby (with information about the celebration in the rest of the world as well) in the southern parts of Sweden (Småland).

A garland of flowers with one hundred roses where placed on her grave in Vimmerby.

(Photo Astrid Lindgren copied from: http://www.alma.se/en/Astrid-Lindgren/)
(Photo Astrid Lindgren and the book about Pippi Långstrump, copied from: https://www.hindustantimes.com/books/the-tragic-backstory-behind-swedish-author-astrid-lindgren-s-pippi-longstocking-tales/story-PIjhFHEBDGM1NF6des26uK.html)
(Photo Astrid Lindgren and Inger Nilsson as Pippi Långstrum and the stamp of Lindgren and Emil copied from: https://www.tradera.com/item/150146/368165526/astrid-lindgren-100-ar-frimarke-pippi-langstrump-emil-i-lonneberga-)

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