tisdag, juli 12, 2011

Собор Василия Блаженного/Saint Basil's Chathedral/Cathédrale Saint-Basile-le-Bienheureux de Moscou 450 years

The Cathedral of the Protection of Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat (Russian: Собор Покрова пресвятой Богородицы, что на Рву), popularly known as Saint Basil's Cathedral (Russian: Собор Василия Блаженного) (or in Swedish Vasilijkatedralen/russian: Собор Василия Блаженного), is a Russian Orthodox church erected on the Red Square in Moscow in 1555–61.
It was built on the order of Ivan IV ('Ivan the Terrible') of Russia to commemorate the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan.
The original building was known as "Trinity Church" and later "Trinity Cathedral" and contained eight side churches arranged around the ninth, central church of Intercession. The tenth church was erected in 1588 over the grave of venerated local saint Vasily (Basil).
In the 16th and the 17th centuries the church, perceived as the earthly symbol of the Heavenly City, was popularly known as the "Jerusalem" and served as an allegory of the Jerusalem Temple in the annual Palm Sunday parade attended by the Patriarch of Moscow and the tsar.

Without going in to details one can say that this cathedral has become a symbol not only for Moscow but for the whole of Russia and as such it's at least as important as the Red Square or Kremlin and to the Christians of course much more important than any of the other buildings.

According to some traditions the architect Postnik Yakovlev was blinded by 'Ivan the Terrible' after finishing this church and this because Ivan didn't want him to be able to create a equally beautiful building again!

(Photo of the St Basil Cathedrale taken from: https://rees.sas.upenn.edu/about/spotlight/saint-basils-cathedral-moscow-russia)
(Picture/painting of Ivan the Terrible copied from: http://www.masterandmargarita.eu/images/02themas/verschrijkkelijke.jpg)
(Picture/painting Saint Vasily/Basil copied from: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/ee/Saint_Vasily.JPG)
(The Jerusalem Temple during Solomo copied from: http://www.arounddeglobe.com/solomon-temple-the-temple-in-jerusalem/)

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